by AGC | Aug 14, 2014 | Custom Projects, Goods, Promotional Items, Surfboards
A recent opportunity allowed us to set up and begin producing custom wake surfers and surfboards. Feature include: Recycled foam Eco friendly resin full color graphics custom shapes custom fin configurations
by AGC | Apr 30, 2014 | Ambassadors, Promotional Items, Slap Shot
We recently did a small run of custom shot hockey sticks (slapshots) for Captain Morgans. Here are some pics:
by AGC | Apr 2, 2014 | Ambassadors, Custom Projects, Display Snowboards, Promotional Items
We produce all kinds of snowboards, everything from High end niche boards to cost effective display snowboards. We recently had the privilege of doing some for Breckenridge Distillery, here are some pics of the vodka boards. Display boards can be made for any brand...
by AGC | Apr 1, 2014 | Ambassadors, Blog Post, Custom Projects, Promotional Items, Slap Shot
We did a large run of custom hockey sticks for Sazerac and their Fireball whiskey and Dr. Mcgillicudy brands. Here are some pics Fireball Slap Shot Blade Fireball Slap Shot Handle Dr. McGillicudy Handle Dr. McGillicudy...
by AGC | Mar 26, 2014 | blog, Blog Post, Custom Projects, Snowboard Manufacturing
Often times people wonder what their board will look like in real life. Depending on the print method the results will be different, but this example shows how a digitally sublimated top sheet looks when printed on ISO sport clear Nylon with a curtain coat of...